batyr: On-Demand-Synchronisation von Vektordaten mit einer PostGIS-Datenbank

One common situation when dealing with geographic data is repeatedly exporting and importing this data to and from a PostGIS-enabled database. While the export is very well covered by products like Mapserver and GeoServer, importing is a bit more tricky. Common solutions consist mostly of custom scripts wrapping commands like shp2pgsql or ogr2ogr. These solutions often fail or at least need some tricky hacks if single rows of data should be updated instead of deleting and restoring the complete table content. It is also hard to account for slow or interrupted transactions and still make sure that the data stays synchronized as a whole. Using these import scripts requires either command line access or some custom code to hook them up to a job queue or even web interface to make them usable from within other applications.

Flaws like those were the reason for us to create batyr as a reusable solution for similar demands in the future.

status overview

batyr is a single server application providing the following:

With these features it is possible to quickly integrate external geodata into your PostGIS database - without having to spend time creating custom code.

job queue

The batyr-project has been sponsored by the trafimage project of the swiss federal railways (SBB). The software is open-source and available on github.

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