Cartaro on OSGeo-Live DVD

Cartaro is being used for a steadily increasing number of projects, and in parallel more and more people are wanting to try out the features of the geospatial CMS. In all cases when the online demo was not sufficient an individual installation became necessary for testing. However for all those who were new to some of the components in Cartaro, namely PostGIS and GeoServer, installation could become a real burden. Recently, since the addition of Cartaro to the OSGeo-Live DVD there is a new option for testing Cartaro without having to go through the installation process.

With the OSGeo-Live DVD it is enough to download an ISO-image or a Virtual Machine and follow the instructions to boot a complete Ubuntu Linux system. Cartaro then will be readily available and can be started from the system menu. The documentation that was especially adapted for OSGeo-Live gives all additional information needed to create and map geospatial content. A nice side-effect of the OSGeo-Live project is that documentation is becoming available in many different languages.

Cartaro is included on OSGeo-Live starting from its version 6.5. The DVD will be updated twice a year. Please note that the DVD may lag behind the newest releases of Cartaro. For the newest version always use the download or the demo on

About Cartaro
Cartaro provides geospatial functionality and web services within the Drupal Content Management System (CMS). With just a few clicks you can set-up and run OGC standards based web services, as well as build dynamic maps. Cartaro is based on robust Open Source components: a PostGIS database, GeoServer and GeoWebCache web services and OpenLayers maps, all managed from within the powerful Drupal CMS.
Cartaro is designed for websites needing to handle geospatial data and for organisations wanting a light-weight Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with minimal configuration and programming.

About OSGeo
The Open Source Geospatial Foundation OSGeo is a non-profit organization which supports the development of open source geospatial software and promotes its use. We want to thank OSGeo for inviting us to be part of OSGeo-Live, for the support during the installation setup and for translating Cartaro documentation in many languages.

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